World trade in wheat is greater than for all other crops combined. Globally, wheat is the leading source of vegetable protein in human food, having a higher protein content than soybeans or the other major cereals, maize (corn) or rice. India is the second largest manufacturer of wheat with 86 million tonnes of annual production just after China. The superior quality of Durum wheat grown in India has got high acceptability in the global market. The main varieties of wheat grown in India are as follows VL-832,VL-804, HS-365, HS-240 , HD2687,WH-147, WH-542, PBW-343, WH-896(d), PDW-233(d), UP-2338, PBW-502, Shresth (HD 2687), Aditya (HD 2781), HW-2044, HW-1085, NP-200(di), HW-741. All these varieties are procured by our company and we make sure that only the best quality is procured from the farmers/government for our international clients.